Monks Court

The small medieval mound called Monks Court, is a scheduled ancient monmument although its exact use remains a mystery. The name suggests that it may have had an association with a monastic house, perhaps Limebrook Priory or Wigmore Abbey. It is probably the place where the court leet was held in the days when tithes were paid to the monastery.

This early morning view of Monks Court lying peacefully beside the River Arrow with the sun rising through the mist, evokes a more mysterious past.

A Public Footpath runs by the mound which originally connected the village with Broom Lane and the old ford (alas, long gone but replaced by a bridge) further upstream. Unfortunately only a small part the footpath that runs besides the river is useable as one of the original styles over a boundary hedge was washed away by flood water. Herefordshire Council have been unable to reinstate it. But one day we hope this situation will change.


Monks Court

Monks Court

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